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We strive to innovate for a sustainable future

We strive to innovate for a sustainable future

We strive to innovate for a sustainable future


Jane: I’m still not sure if I want to go solar. Is Solar Good Investment For My Family?

Solar Consultant: Hi Jane, let’s talk about how solar increases the value of your home.

Now, this is a proven fact. There has been a lot of studies conducted by realtors and other experts. Solar does increase the value of your home. How, you ask?

Let’s talk about Net Metering.

Now a lot of you have a lot of questions about net metering. Well, in effect, net metering is the policy that enables your solar to work.

There’s essentially a policy across the majority of the United States that states that

for every kilowatt-hour that you put into the grid, you will receive a credit for that kilowatt-hour.

I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about Investment Tax Credit for Solar

But what is the ITC? In effect, it’s really simple.

When you go solar, the federal government gives you a rebate on your taxes, in exchange for 26% of the value of your solar system.

One of the questions we get asked by first-time clients all the time is: “How do solar warranties work?”

Now there are three types of solar warranties

Number 1. The Panels!

This is a fantastic question.

Not every home is eligible for solar. So let’s cross our fingers and hope you are one of the lucky ones that can save money.

Now there are 3 main points.

Let’s talk about ZERO DOWN FINANCING.

This is one of the biggest questions everybody asks about solar.

“How do I pay for it? Isn’t solar expensive because I have to pay cash up front?”

Let’s talk about batteries

“There has been a lot of buzz on battery technology lately. Should I get a battery?”

The answer is…MAYBE.

It really depends on what you want and if a battery can add value to you at this time.

Wow! Technology these days is amazing, who would have thought this could happen?

Solar panels can produce less power on cloudy days as you might expect and yet photovoltaic solar energy use is extremely popular.

In cities that get lots of inclement weather, PV solar has become a logical choice for many because it not only produces clean renewable electricity but also saves money!

Solar power is not just a trend; it's an inevitable step in the right direction. The US has been doing well with all of its recent solar developments, but what does this mean for us?

Will we be able to escape painless change when it comes to sustainable resources and clean energy development or will they remain out-of-reach dreams until someone develops some magic solution that can take care of everything at once?

The decision to go solar requires a considerable upfront investment, but it is an exciting one. It can feel like you're watching the needle on your electricity meter slowly turn backward as you sell excess power back into the grid!

One of the major trends in solar power technology is that more and more people are storing their energy from solar panels. As storage becomes mainstream, organizations in the industry have had to adapt by updating business models for increased demand.

Solar power is the wave of the future, with solar panels capable of providing clean and renewable electricity to every country on earth.

With the current costs constantly lowering and rebates becoming more accessible in urban areas as well as rural communities, it’s clear that this energy source will soon be within reach for virtually anyone who wants or needs a strong alternative to traditional utility companies.

If you own a solar panel system, you would know that these can last for years with limited maintenance. However, it doesn’t mean that once installed, you’ll just leave those there. Regular checkups will not only make sure your panels are efficiently working but also helps you prevent costly repairs. Taking care of your panels will make them look brand new, nice, and shiny.

The demand for renewable energy sources, especially solar panels is on the rise. As technology continues to advance and new developments are made such as high-efficiency cells that can be manufactured at a much cheaper price than ever before, it's becoming an increasingly viable option across the US as lower-income people have less access to this eco-friendly power.

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